Blue Meadows Farm
Architectural Review Guidelines The Blue Meadows Farm Declaration of Covenants, signed February 1988, provided for an Architectural Review Committee as part of the Homeowners Association. At the time of property settlement for your home, you received a copy of these Covenants. Please refer to Article VI, section 1, "Architectural Control: Protective Covenants". In short, these sections specify that any exterior additions, buildings (including sheds), fences, walls and changes in color or finishes must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). This approval is in addition to, not in lieu of any township requirements. The intent of the Covenants is to assure the external harmony of the community and help you, the homeowner, increase the value of your home. This will insure that Blue Meadows Farm retains its desirability for years to come. If you are considering any changes to the exterior of your home or lot, excluding landscaping, you must submit your request in writing to the ARC. A Construction Request Form is enclosed for your convenience, along with a list of common changes and typical questions that have occurred over the past few years. The ARC is comprised of the Board of Directors and up to three additional homeowners. The way that the process works is quite simple. You submit your request in writing and the ARC must approve or deny your request within 30 days. Upon receiving your request, we will notify you to perform a "walk around" inspection of the work to be completed. Inmost cases, a decision of approval or denial can be made at the walk around. If you have any questions regarding the ARC or the approval process, please feel free to contact any board member. Please keep in mind, the task of the ARC is not to cause you any undue inconvenience, but to maintain the desirability of BMF by adhering to the covenants. Please help us achieve that goal. Thank you for your cooperation. Email the form to [email protected] Examples of policy and review procedures |