Addition To Home:
Door (Change in Color or Design of Existing Doors or Garage Door):
Hot Tub:
Lights (On Home, Not In Landscaping):
Paint (Change Existing Color On Any Exterior Parts Of The House):
Satellite Dish:
Shutters (Change to Existing Shutters or Addition of Shutters):
Siding (Change in Color or Style):
Swimming Pool:
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography;
- Consult Lower Paxton Township regarding building requirements, building permit, and location in relationship to property boundaries, and any other pertinent factors.
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography;
- Consult Lower Paxton Township regarding building requirements, building permit2 and location in relationship to property boundaries, and any other pertinent factors.
Door (Change in Color or Design of Existing Doors or Garage Door):
- In harmony with existing external design.
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography;
- Consult Lower Paxton Township regarding building requirements, building permit, and location in relationship to property boundaries, and any other pertinent factors
- No chain link fences;
- Maximum height is 4 feet;
- Alternating boards have been approved; stockade fences have not been approved;
- Consult Lower Paxton Township regarding building requirements, building permit, and location in relationship to property boundaries, and any other pertinent factors.
Hot Tub:
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography;
- Consult Lower Paxton Township regarding building requirements, building permit, and location in relationship to property boundaries, and any other pertinent factors.
Lights (On Home, Not In Landscaping):
- In harmony with existing external design.
Paint (Change Existing Color On Any Exterior Parts Of The House):
- In harmony with existing external design.
Satellite Dish:
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography;
- Consult Lower Paxton Township regarding building requirements, building permit, and location in relationship to property boundaries,
- and any other pertinent factors;
- In accordance with the Federal Communications Act as amended from time-to-time;
- Concealed from community.
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography;
- Consult Lower Paxton Township regarding building requirements, building permit, and location in relationship to property boundaries, and any other pertinent factors.
Shutters (Change to Existing Shutters or Addition of Shutters):
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography.
Siding (Change in Color or Style):
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography.
Swimming Pool:
- In harmony with existing external design;
- In harmony of location in relation to surrounding structures and topography;
- Consult Lower Paxton Township regarding building requirements, building permit, and location in relationship to property boundaries, and any other pertinent factors;
- "Fence" information as listed above applies and this is in conjunction with Township requirements;
- No above-ground swimming pools have been approved.